Eliza Kitis’ (recent) invited talks, seminars, and conference participation:
Eliza Kitis’ (recent) invited talks, seminars, and conference participation:
Βασιζόμενοι σε αγγλικά δεδομένα, καταδεικνύεται ότι ακόμη κ σε ‘προηγμένες’ ή εξαιρετικά εγγράμματες (literate) κοινωνίες, όπως αυτή της Βρετανίας (ΗΒ), υπάρχει έντονος γλωσσικός σεξισμός προς το γυναικείο φύλο, απαξιώνοντας στα ΜΜΕ ακόμη και γυναίκες που μάχονται για την αρχηγία πολιτικού κόμματος (στην προκειμένη περίπτωση του Εργατικού κόμματος, 2015). Στη συνέχεια επισκοπείται η γενική σύγχυση που επικρατεί στον έντυπο δημόσιο λόγο αναφορικά με τις ερωτήσεις περί φύλου (αιτήσεις για εργασία, κλπ.) αλλά κυρίως παρουσιάζεται η σχετική έρευνα που διεξήχθη προκειμένου να διαμορφωθεί η ερώτηση περί φύλου στην πρόσφατη Απογραφή πληθυσμού της Βρετανίας (Census 2021), παρουσιάζονται τα προβλήματα κ η σχετική κριτική. Επισημαίνεται ότι η ειδικότερη έμφαση στον αμφιλεγόμενο χώρο του φύλου μπορεί να αποπροσανατολίζει κ να διαχέει τη συγκεκριμενοποίηση μεταβλητών, με κίνδυνο να εκτρέπονται πόροι από τους τομείς της καταπολέμησης του σεξισμού προς το γυναικείο φύλο κ της διατομεακότητας (intersectionality) των ταυτοτήτων που επιφέρει επιπρόσθετα κοινωνικά προβλήματα λόγω των διακρίσεων που δημιουργούνται.
Title of presentation: 'Populism and ‘λαϊκισµός’ through the linguist's lens'
A video of the workshop is available here (Professor Kitis presentation starts at 2:10:15).
Populismus. Analysing populist discourse. Methods/Tools/Interpretation.
Title of presentation: 'Populism and ‘λαϊκισµός’ through the linguist's lens'
Title of plenary lecture: ‘Constructional conjunction’
14th Early Fall School in Semiotics “Sociosemiotics”, (invited teaching)
Course title: ‘From signs to the world: How we construct reality’
Title of plenary lecture: ‘The pragmatics of translation’, IV Ibero-American Conference: The Process of Translation – A Never-ending Story
Title of plenary lecture: ‘Connectives as constructions’
Faculty Seminar, Title: ‘Implicature, Intention and Contextual Assumptions’ (invited seminar)
Graduate Seminar in Pragmatics, Title: ‘Identifying Implicature’
This presentation targets new EAP tutors, but -why not- also experienced ones as it shows how we can use Corpus Linguistics (CL) methodology in an unobtrusive (for our students) way to substantiate claims that may sound just theoretical and unconvincing for our students. Additionally, CL methodology may even shake assumed confidence that may block the learning process. My pragmatics expertise is also drawn upon in teasing out subtle meanings (hues or functions) of elements that have been accounted for and are taught in a more wholesale way in the field.
More specifically, I present how to develop course material to teach conjunctive adverbials in a way that raises learners’ metacognitive awareness. Using corpus methodology, we can dispel some myths surrounding learners’, including native speakers’, relevant beliefs, and raise their awareness about the function and proper use of those items in their writing. This meta-awareness is also expected to help them see how these elements can be vehicles for inferencing, elaboration and further relational coherence in their writing. The rather recent methodology of corpus linguistics is used to substantiate claims and will also draw on pragmatics in revealing those elements’ diverse functions.
Populismus. Analysing populist discourse. Methods/Tools/Interpretation
Title of presentation: ‘Populism and ‘λαϊκισµός’ through the linguist’s lens’
A video of the workshop is available here (Professor Kitis presentation starts at 2:10:15).
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans as a specific anarchist genre’
Program’s outline is available here
Title of presentation: ‘Gentrifying slogan genres in political discourse’
Title of presentation: ‘A reconsideration of conventional implicature and its implication for speech act theory’.
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans: Towards a performative analysis of a marginalized discourse’.
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans: An attempt at interpreting a marginalized discourse and culture’.
Title of presentation: ‘Emotions and discursivity’.
Title of presentation: ‘Emotions as discursive constructs’.
Populismus. Analysing populist discourse. Methods/Tools/Interpretation
Title of presentation: ‘Populism and ‘λαϊκισµός’ through the linguist’s lens’
A video of the workshop is available here (Professor Kitis presentation starts at 2:10:15).
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans as a specific anarchist genre’
Program’s outline is available here
Title of presentation: ‘Gentrifying slogan genres in political discourse’
Title of presentation: ‘A reconsideration of conventional implicature and its implication for speech act theory’.
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans: Towards a performative analysis of a marginalized discourse’.
Title of presentation: ‘Street slogans: An attempt at interpreting a marginalized discourse and culture’.
Title of presentation: ‘Emotions and discursivity’.
Title of presentation: ‘Emotions as discursive constructs’.
Eliza was also country research team leader of COST Action IS0703 (genres).